Plan de Continuidad del Negocio



IE code
Multimedia and interactive
Est. dedication time
90 minutes
Type of publication
Technical Note and tutorial


Problems and issues affecting companies occur both inside and outside the firm across all industries. Not being prepared to manage such issues is effectively setting up the company for disaster”. This technical note teaches students a practical framework that can be used for preventing issues that alter operations as well as to prevent or limit the impact of those issues that have already occurred on critical operations with the objective of reducing the risk of loss of business reputation or even closure.

This technical note includes a framework for designing a Business Continuity Plan which can be used across all sectors and industries. The framework consists of five phases: Analysis Strategy Implementation Testing and Validation and finally Continual Maintenance. Each of these phases are explained in a practical manner and include the experiences of experts about how they designed the plan for in their company as well as the most critical factors that an organization must respond to for the correct management of issues.

Business Continuity Plan, Plan de continuidad, Plan de continuidad del negocio, BCP, gestión de la continuidad, BCM, Gestión de crisis, crisis, actividades críticas, análisis del impacto, BIA, recuperación de infraestructura, Marco de referencia de contin