Gamification and Simulations in Higher Education: Enhancing the Learning Experience

Gamification and Simulations in Higher Education: Enhancing the Learning Experience

Gamification and Simulations in Higher Education: Enhancing the Learning Experience

Higher education is undergoing a significant transformation thanks to the introduction of elements such as gamification and simulations. These methodologies are redefining the learning experience in face-to-face, hybrid, and online programs.

Gamification involves the application of game elements and techniques in educational contexts. The goal is to make the learning material more fun, engaging, and motivating to achieve user participation and engagement.

At the same time, simulations offer students the opportunity to practice skills in a controlled and risk-free environment. This strategy has proven to be effective in increasing student motivation by turning the learning process into a dynamic and appealing experience. It presents a series of key benefits:

  • Increased tolerance for error: Thanks to immediate feedback and the sense of security provided by the simulated environment, students are more willing to take risks without fear of making mistakes.
  • Sense of competition: Rankings, achievements, or badges allow students to be aware of their learning and involve them in the process.
  • Experiential learning: Through storytelling or scenario creation, students immerse themselves in the story to actively face dilemmas or puzzles (applying theory to practice in environments that emulate reality).
  • Development of critical skills and adaptability: Educational games have demonstrated their capability to increase students' socio-emotional skills, such as critical thinking, creative problem-solving, and teamwork.


Hybrid and online programs have become an essential part of higher education, offering flexibility and accessibility to students. Gamification and simulations are particularly effective in these formats as they can be easily integrated into digital platforms, helping to increase participation in online courses, where it is more challenging to engage and maintain student attention.

For all these reasons, at IE University Publishing, we have been developing multimedia simulators for over 20 years, and more recently, immersive learning experiences to introduce gamification into higher and professional education. Our online catalog offers a wide variety of simulators, in single-player or multiplayer formats for different academic areas. Among them are standout titles such as Making Money on Oil (where students put their knowledge of the supply and demand model into practice through oil futures contracts) and Facing New Challenges in Space & Cyber Affairs: SpaceGov (where students simulate how different countries develop their strategies and manage collective action problems in cyber and space affairs).

"The game illustrates that social interactions can be competitive or cooperative, depending on the decisions made by the actors." - Andrew Bertoli, author of SpaceGov.

Discover all our simulators here.

In summary, gamification and simulations represent a promising element in higher education. Their integration into in-person, hybrid, and online programs allows educational institutions to offer richer and more effective learning experiences, preparing students for real-world challenges.
