Facing New Challenges in Space & Cyber Affairs: SpaceGov



IE code
Multimedia and interactive
Est. dedication time
90 minutes
Type of publication
Simulations and Games

Instructor support

A Teaching Note is available for this material.


In this interactive simulation, students will work in teams to simulate how different countries strategize and make decisions about global governance. They will learn how to manage multiple collective action problems related to space and cyber affairs simultaneously.

The goal of the game is to maximize their country’s space and cyber power. However, a number of problems will arise which will give players strong reason to try to work together as opposed to go it alone.

The first key challenge is that while countries can benefit by launching satellites into orbit, if space gets too crowded with satellites, collisions are likely to occur. If enough satellites collide, this could set off a chain reaction of collisions that ultimately makes space unusable. Thus, countries have strong reason to make sure that they collectively use space in a sustainable way.

A second challenge involves technological advancement. Countries can acquire certain technologies that enhance their space and cyber power by investing in research. However, it is also possible to obtain technologies through cooperative technology sharing or adversarial cyber attacks. How players end up distributing the costs of technological advancement is a key aspect of the game.

Lastly, cyber attacks provide countries with opportunities to weaken their potential rivals, which create many chances for conflict throughout the game. The dynamics of this challenge also change when countries acquire technologies that can anonymize their cyber attacks.

The game has many possible outcomes, depending on what strategies the players decide to adopt. It is meant to illustrate the contingency of human interaction, as well as to give students a chance to engage with the cooperative/competitive nature of complex social processes.

Facing New Challenges in Space & Cyber Affairs: SpaceGov