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Maribya is an Asian country that is facing a huge economic and political crisis. The king has fled into exile and the prime minister wants to draft a new constitution, as the current one is neither applied nor wanted by the majority of the population. The prime minister turns to IE law students for legal advice on how to proceed with the constitution-making process.
By solving this case, students will learn about the process of making and drafting a written constitution. Thus, they have to analyse the subjects involved in the constituent process, and who the key actors may be. Likewise, they have to analyse the content that such a Constitution should include and which parts it should contain: preamble, institutional part and dogmatic part (among others).
In addition, students will have to study the following aspects of the country, in order to be able to draft the constitution itself: the territorial model: unitary or federal; the political form of the State: Monarchy or Republic; the main powers of the State: Government (AKA Executive), Parliament (AKA Legislative) and Judiciary; the rights and liberties of citizens and the process of constitutional reform.