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Type of publication
Case Study
The case reflects the situation of Iceland as a Tourism Destination. The country has been growing in number of tourists in the last few years and it is expected to continue growing. The students should analyze the current situation of Iceland as a tourism destination and review critically its marketing and promotional actions to end up proposing what Iceland should do in the future to continue developing Iceland as a tourism destination. The specific questions to be discussed are:
- The Marketing Budget. How much money should Iceland invest in tourism marketing? Should Iceland increase its marketing budget? Why? What should be the right marketing budget for Iceland and why?
- The Target Markets. What should be the top 10 target countries for Iceland? Why? Give a list of the five most important countries to be targeted by Iceland’s tourism marketing campaigns and provide a breakdown of the budget by target markets (% of the budget to be dedicated to each one of the top 10 target countries previously identified).
- The Marketing Actions. What should be the mix of marketing actions to be done with Iceland’s tourism marketing budget? Provide a ranking of the 10 most important marketing actions where Iceland should use its tourism marketing budget and give a breakdown of the budget by marketing actions (% of the budget to be dedicated to each one of the top 10 marketing actions previously identified).
- The Touristic “Products”. What should be the “touristic products” to be promoted and marketed with Iceland’s tourism marketing budget? Develop a ranking of the top 10 touristic products to be promoted with Iceland’s tourism marketing budget and provide a breakdown of the budget by touristic product (% of the budget to be dedicated to each one of the top 10 touristic products previously identified).