Easy Energy Ltd.



IE code
also available in English
Multimedia and interactive
Est. dedication time
60 minutes
Academic Area
Type of publication
Case Study

Instructor support

A Teaching Note is available for this material.


Easy Energy is an interactive case focused on project finance. Students must consider the opportunity to invest in a solar panel installation from the points-of-view of the different stakeholders: the company the managers of the capital risk fund initiating the project the shareholders and possibly a co-investor. Finally they must make decisions regarding the launch of the project the debt structure and the inclusion of a co-investor.

Summaries of the data for the different options allow the student to easily see the effect of changing various parameters of the analysis. The case includes a comprehensive Excel spreadsheet that can be downloaded so that the calculations can be analyzed in depth and changes in the different parameters tested. The multimedia case also contains two screencast videos with commentary which explain the most important aspects of the spreadsheet.

Easy Energy Ltd.