The Web 2.0 Innovation (Re)-Evolution



IE code
also available in Spanish
Multimedia and interactive
Est. dedication time
45 minutes
Type of publication
Case Study

Instructor support

A Teaching Note is available for this material.


BBVA – The Web 2.0 Innovation (Re)-Evolution provides details of the bank’s Innovation and Transformation journey that began in 2007. This case focuses specifically on the Web 2.0 applications that BBVA developed during this period and the part they played in the company's strategy.

This case is organized through a timeline with video interviews which allow students to review the situation of the company before the Innovation and Transformation journey as well as to consider the challenges that this plan may bring in the future.

Author's comments

This case allows students to debate the new trends of Web 2.0 and their impact in the business world in this case the banking industry. The case provides the opportunity to analyze how companies manage innovation and the role of organizational and cultural aspects associated with innovation management. Finally the case opens the door to the discussion of new innovation approaches like crowdsourcing and open innovation.

Innovation, Web 2.0, Applications, Blogs, Wikis, Banking sector