Código IE
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Área Académica
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An English citizen who was an IE University student has founded a start-up in Spain. She wants to expand her business to the UK, however, she is not very familiar with the process of the UK's exit from the European Union (already definitively implemented in 2021) and its main consequences. So, she asks her university colleagues on her LLB degree for legal advice on the pros and cons of the BREXIT process and how it would affect her business from a legal point of view.
Through this case study, students will learn about the constitutional process of the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union (AKA BREXIT), and its main consequences. Students will also analyse the pros and cons of such a decision.
The so-called sovereignty of the UK Parliament will also be studied, and the existence or not of popular sovereignty will be debated too.
They will also analyse the consequences of holding a referendum in the UK.